Forensic Accounting
Get clarity on your business.
MRM Consulting is regularly retained by clients in all industries to provide analyses in complex investigations and dispute matters. Our technical accounting knowledge and investigative methodology bring clarity and comprehension to the complex forensic accounting issues in dispute and investigative matters.
Fraud Investigations
Asking the right questions and fixing the problems.
MRM Consulting knows who to speak to, and knows the right questions to ask to confirm or dispel allegations of wrongdoing. We know what steps need to be taken to gather and preserve the critical documents in a manner suitable for any type of court proceeding. As a byproduct we will provide internal system reviews and recommendations to mitigate future risks of fraud reoccurring.

Damages Quantification
Using our investigative mentality to get to business reality.
MRM is regularly retained by plaintiffs or defendants on complex commercial disputes to quantify/ assess claimed business losses. The underlying assumptions relied upon are critical to loss of profits calculations. We use our investigative mentality to ensure all assumptions reflect the business reality both at the time of the claimed past losses and are appropriate for estimated future losses.
Expert Witness Testimony
Experienced, strategic communication.
The successful resolution of commercial disputes sometimes requires formal litigation and the need for expert testimony to untangle and simplify the technicalities and communicate the relevant factual analyses clearly. Having a qualified and experienced testifying expert can be a significant strategic advantage.