MRM Consulting is a boutique consulting firm located at 1235 Bay St. at Bloor St. in downtown Toronto. Our management team has over 40 years of experience providing reliable and understandable forensic accounting, fraud investigation, damage quantification and expert witness services. Our clients include counsel for corporations, regulatory authorities, special committees and individuals requiring our expertise relating to the financial aspects of loss of profit claims, complex arbitration cases, white-collar crime investigations, regulatory proceedings, judicial inquiries and funds tracing. Our expertise includes managing the related e-discovery and computer forensic aspects of any assignment. We work together with other independent professionals as client needs dictate.
We are an independent Canadian boutique firm that is “cost effective and trial tested”.
Bob Macdonald

- Investigating and testifying at one of the largest fraud cases in Canadian history
- Assisting a corporate client in complying with the Competition Bureau Supplementary Information Request relating to a multi-million dollar merger of Canadian companies
- Testifying as the lead investigative accounting expert at the federal government Gomery Inquiry into the Sponsorship program
- Conducting procurement fraud investigations and preparing related loss reports
- Preparing expert loss of profit reports including critiquing and testifying about other expert reports and participating as an expert at mediations
- Arbitrations and trials
Bob was recognized in the 2009, 2010 and 2011 L’Expert/American Lawyer guides as one of Canada’s top 25 Expert Witnesses and has testified extensively within Canada and, on occasion, internationally.